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Tuition is paid in monthly installments billed on the 1st of each month and due by the 15th.

  • Preschool/Pre-K has 9 installments - August - April

  • K-Club has 10 installments – August - May


Key: EDO = Early Drop-Off ($8.00 per attendance); LB = Lunch Bunch ($8.00 per attendance); MDE = Mid-Day Enrichment ($15.00 per attendance), based on 4 weeks per month, for illustrative purposes only your tuition will depend on you use of extended day. )No base tuition is due in May or June, but EDO, LB & MDE fees will apply.


Program                                                                          Monthly Tuition

3 Year Olds  2-Days (Tu/Thurs)                         $150.00 (base tuition)

3 Year Olds (Tu/Thurs) & EDO                                $214.00 

3 Year Olds (Tu/Thurs) & LB                                   $214.00 

3 Year Olds (Tu/Thurs) & EDO & LB                         $278.00 

3 Year Olds (Tu/Thurs) & MDE                                $270.00 

3 Year Olds (Tu/Thurs) & EDO & MDE                      $334.00 


3 or 4 Year Olds: 3-Days (MWF)                        $215.00 (base tuition)

3 or 4 Year Olds (MWF) & EDO                               $311.00 

3 or 4 Year Olds (MWF) & LB                                  $311.00 

3 or 4 Year Olds (MWF) & EDO & LB                        $407.00 

3 or 4 Year Olds (MWF) & MDE                               $395.00 

3 or 4 Year Olds (MWF) & EDO & MDE                     $491.00 


4 or 5 Year Olds: 5-Days (M-F)                          $350.00 (base tuition)

4 or 5 Year Olds (M-F) & EDO                                $510.00 

4 or 5 Year Olds (M-F) & LB                                   $510.00 

4 or 5 Year Olds (M-F) & EDO & LB                         $670.00 

4 or 5 Year Olds (M-F) & MDE                                $650.00 

4 or 5 Year Olds (M-F) & EDO & MDE                      $810.00 



K-Club: 2 days/week                                           $175.00 (Aug-May)

K-Club: 3 days/week                                           $235.00 (Aug-May)

K-Club: 4 days/week                                           $305.00 (Aug-May)

K-Club: 5 days/week                                           $385.00 (Aug-May)

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